Friday 16 May 2014

Card Advantage and Resource Management

In every card game these are three key words that give glee to all who play, Draw A Card. These amazing words have been the basis of many powerful cards in many games. Any card that adds to what you can do is spectacular, the more specific the better. So buddyfight is no exception, but it makes it a deviously rare ability and never for free. So lets look at it shall we.

First of all, let us define card advantage and resource management. Card advantage is simply this, having more cards than your opponent. The more cards you have the more things you can do. Quite simple but getting such advantage is difficult. This is where resource management comes in. Resource management is getting the most out of what you have. You have to find the most effective card to play that wont cost you too much resources. Your resources come in the form of your hand and gauge. There is also field advantage, but in buddyfight, your field can be cleared quickly so it isn't so important. If you have anything in the field at the start of your turn then your opponent is either focusing on dealing damage to you or is losing.

So now to see how to gain card advantage and resources. There are 4 cards in set 1 that are good examples of how gaining cards is tough. That’s Survival Chance (at 5 or less life and 1 gauge, you may draw 2 cards but can only be used once), Dragonic Grimore (at 5 or less life, you can use this card to discard your hand and draw 3 cards), Nice One (for 1 gauge, you may draw 2 cards but can't use it again) and Devil Advantage (this cards allows you to get 2 72 pillars cards from your drop zone to your hand for 1 gauge).  All 4 take something away from resources and take specific conditions to get more advantage. Now you could argue that Dragonic Grimore is not much of an advantage card but it either can be used to replace a hand for better options or just gives you straight up more cards so I consider it an advantage booster. These cards may not be staples, but they can all give you the upper hand in battle, so maybe some good sideboard options.

So here we go on monsters that could give you an advantage. The abilities Soul Guard and Double Attack have been staple abilities for a reason. Soul Guard keeps your monster on the field for longer, and if it lasts the opponents turn then it can attack again. If it doesn't last then your opponent has used their resources to get rid of it. Double Attack is the opposite and the ultimate counter to Soul Guard. It allows you to attack twice, which can clear fields, beat Soul Guard, open centres then deal damage, simply double your crit and, best of all, makes your opponent needs to use more counter cards to stop it entirely. It simply gives you advantage by taking away your opponents.

Now we get to how resources should be used. Under current abilities, 1 Gauge = 0.75 life, 1 life = 1 draw and 1 gauge + 1 hand card = 2 draw. As long as a card meets those costs, it is a worth while ability. Do remember though that life its self is a resource and the goal of the game is to make your opponent run out of this, don’t use it up quickly yourself. The trick with resource management is that you must pick the best cards to combat the situation with the least cost. Don’t think vanilla (cards with no abilities) cards are useless, most of the time they are more appropriate for the job and cost less for it too. Size 3s tend to take allot of resources, but can also waste allot your opponents resources to kill it. so remember that when working out what card you want to use.

So now that you know about card advantage and resource management you can hopefully see this being done by all players and help you do it yourself. It is a key aspect to all card games and buddyfight tests ones knowledge and ability to manage it. Practice managing it and you will earn the key to victory.

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